Pan Seared Salmon With Spicy Cucumber Salad



  • 2 skin-on salmon filets, 6-8 ounces each

  • 2 cups fennel, sliced (white parts only)

  • ½ cup fennel greens, finely chopped

  • 1 english cucumber, sliced julienne 

  • 6 thai chilies, trimmed and sliced lengthwise

  • 4 cloves garlic, trimmed, peeled and minced

  • 1 inch knob ginger, microplaned

  • 1 spring onion, sliced thinly

  • 4 tbsp avocado oil

  • 1 tbsp tamari

  • 1 tbsp fish sauce

  • 1 tbsp orange juice

  • 1 tbsp szechuan chili crisp

  • 1 tsp coconut oil

  • 3 tbsp lime juice

  • salt and pepper


  1. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a cast iron skillet over medium-high heat

  2. Add in garlic and thai chilies. Ssir until fragrant, about 3 seconds. Stir in fennel and season with salt. Stir in onion and ginger and cook until everything is tender but still firm, about 3-5 minutes in total.

  3. Transfer the mixture to a container and strain the liquid into a small bowl Combine tamari, fish sauce, orange juice, lime juice, szechuan chili crisp and coconut oil into the small bowl containing the liquid. Mix together with a fork or whisk,

  4. Combine saute mixture in a large bowl along with cucumber and sauce mixture (reserving several tablespoons for ganish). Add salt and additional lime juice to taste.

  5. Pat all sides of your salmon down with a paper towel to dry. Season all sides with salt and pepper.

  6. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a cast iron skillet over medium-high heat. Add in salmon filets, skin side down, pressing down firmly with a flexible spatula for about 10-15 seconds. Reduce heat to medium and cook until the center of the thickest part of the salmon reaches 120°F (49°C). Flip the filets to cook on the opposite for an additional 30 seconds.

  7. Transfer the filets to a paper towel-lined plate, skin side up.

  8. To plate, place a mound of your fennel and cucumber salad in the center of a plate. Place a filete over the mound, skin side up. Garnish with chopped fennel greens and the reserved sauce mixture.


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